Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It...Stop?

Have you heard the news? The frozen tundra of the Arctic is moving in to the Midwest. Eskimos are inquiring into the price of that nice ranch house down the road and polar bears are getting into the garbage cans. We thought racoons were bad! Global warming has been turned upside down!

Yesterday all I heard about was the impending "ALBERTA CLIPPER". I checked last night to see anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow predicted through Thursday evening. Yikes! I shoveled the driveway this morning, the sidewalks at work, and hunkered down for the massive snowstorm.

Only...nothing has happened. No wind, no snow, the sun even popped out to say hello.

What a letdown. Are you faring worse than me today??

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