Sunday, February 21, 2010

Behind the Bear

Bo has been watching "Letter Factory", made by Leapfrog, virtually every evening. He is able to identify all letters in the alphabet and state the sound made by each letter. I think that is very impressive for being just two years old.

Jamie and I decided he was ready for the next step. We purchased a new DVD called "Talking Words Factory", also made by Leapfrog, for Bo. He was thrilled.

The problem was that he wanted to watch the new video as soon as we got home. We try hard not to let him watch television until after dinnertime as that is all he wants to do from that point forward. Yesterday he was being really horrible. Tantrum-city. He REALLY wanted to watch the new video.

I wasn't having any of that. I told him he could watch it after dinner and tried to take the video away from him. He freaked out on me, pulled the DVD from my hand, and ran into his room. He came out again about 30 seconds later without the DVD. I decided to let the matter wait; I could always go and retrieve it after he calmed down.

We made dinner and ate. Bo was being his usual good self once more. I had promised, however, to let him watch the DVD after dinner. As dinner was winding down I decided to go get the DVD. I walked into his room, expecting to see the video laying somewhere about. Not so. I started looking in some non-obvious spots; on his bookshelf, in his crib, in his toddler bed. Nothing. Nada.

I walked back into the kitchen and asked Bo if her knew where his new movie was.

Bo: "Uh-huh."

Dad: "Where is it?"

Bo: "By Bear."

Dad: "The DVD is by your bear?" Bo has a bear-shaped chair.

Bo: "Uh-huh."

So I walked back into his room and looked behind the chair. Viola! Movie.

My son has learned to hide things. Lovely.

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