Monday, February 8, 2010


Sarah Palin is BRILLIANT.
That is the only possible explaination for her recent bull-run through the news. A few days ago we were treated to the public outing of Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanual calling progressives who were opposed to conservative Democrats "retards." Sarah Palin jumped on that daisy as quick as she could skin a grizzly bear, calling his words "indecent," "sick" and "offensive." Her task was slightly complicated by Rush Limbaugh using the same word unapologetically a couple days later. Limbaugh, stated Palin, was merely "using satire."

That is why the above picture, courtesy of Daniel Kurtzman, is so brilliant. The 2008 vice- presidential hopeful, seen here speaking to a Tea Party convention, had the foresight to indirectly mock President Obama's use of teleprompters. What better way to bring attention to the important teleprompter issue plaguing the United States than by going low-tech during the speech to highlight that way good Republicans would handle things if they were in charge.
Just imagine the Hocky-Mom-From-Wasilla turned President-of-the-United-States speaking with world leaders at a summit. Better yet, imagine how motivated Iranian President Ahmadinejad would be to denuclearize.
"Mr. Ahmadinejad, in Alaska we have a saying..."
/dramatic pause, trying to peek at the notes written on her hand
"...anyone who seeks nuclear weapons is a retard. Meant satirically, of course!"


  1. Rahm wasn't talking about Republican lawmakers. He was talking about progressives who were opposed to conservative Democrats.

  2. Thank you for the correction, Vinny! I have edited my post accordingly.
