Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Behind the Bear

Bo has been watching "Letter Factory", made by Leapfrog, virtually every evening. He is able to identify all letters in the alphabet and state the sound made by each letter. I think that is very impressive for being just two years old.
Jamie and I decided he was ready for the next step. We purchased a new DVD called "Talking Words Factory", also made by Leapfrog, for Bo. He was thrilled.
The problem was that he wanted to watch the new video as soon as we got home. We try hard not to let him watch television until after dinnertime as that is all he wants to do from that point forward. Yesterday he was being really horrible. Tantrum-city. He REALLY wanted to watch the new video.
I wasn't having any of that. I told him he could watch it after dinner and tried to take the video away from him. He freaked out on me, pulled the DVD from my hand, and ran into his room. He came out again about 30 seconds later without the DVD. I decided to let the matter wait; I could always go and retrieve it after he calmed down.
We made dinner and ate. Bo was being his usual good self once more. I had promised, however, to let him watch the DVD after dinner. As dinner was winding down I decided to go get the DVD. I walked into his room, expecting to see the video laying somewhere about. Not so. I started looking in some non-obvious spots; on his bookshelf, in his crib, in his toddler bed. Nothing. Nada.
I walked back into the kitchen and asked Bo if her knew where his new movie was.
Bo: "Uh-huh."
Dad: "Where is it?"
Bo: "By Bear."
Dad: "The DVD is by your bear?" Bo has a bear-shaped chair.
Bo: "Uh-huh."
So I walked back into his room and looked behind the chair. Viola! Movie.
My son has learned to hide things. Lovely.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010

Sarah Palin is BRILLIANT.
That is the only possible explaination for her recent bull-run through the news. A few days ago we were treated to the public outing of Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanual calling progressives who were opposed to conservative Democrats "retards." Sarah Palin jumped on that daisy as quick as she could skin a grizzly bear, calling his words "indecent," "sick" and "offensive." Her task was slightly complicated by Rush Limbaugh using the same word unapologetically a couple days later. Limbaugh, stated Palin, was merely "using satire."
That is why the above picture, courtesy of Daniel Kurtzman, is so brilliant. The 2008 vice- presidential hopeful, seen here speaking to a Tea Party convention, had the foresight to indirectly mock President Obama's use of teleprompters. What better way to bring attention to the important teleprompter issue plaguing the United States than by going low-tech during the speech to highlight that way good Republicans would handle things if they were in charge.
Just imagine the Hocky-Mom-From-Wasilla turned President-of-the-United-States speaking with world leaders at a summit. Better yet, imagine how motivated Iranian President Ahmadinejad would be to denuclearize.
"Mr. Ahmadinejad, in Alaska we have a saying..."
/dramatic pause, trying to peek at the notes written on her hand
"...anyone who seeks nuclear weapons is a retard. Meant satirically, of course!"
Friday, January 29, 2010
Random Quote
Statement: "The only thing the government authorizes right now is CPR certification."
Response: "Eww! I don't want to touch somebody else's mouth with mine!"
Response: "Eww! I don't want to touch somebody else's mouth with mine!"
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Dora Wants Monkey Love

Bo is currently WAY into the television show Dora the Explorer. For those of you not blessed enough to get to watch this show on a daily basis, Dora is a small child who, with the help of her monkey friend, Boots, pursues trivial daily inanities such as hunting for blueberries or returning a star to the sky. Her nemesis, Swiper, attempts to thwart her efforts. I have watched only a small percentage of the episodes thanks to our DVR. I have watched this same small percentage of episodes many, many times.
It is truly a form of Chinese Water Torture. I can almost repeat every line from each of these shows. My brain must be incapable of simply absorbing the show as presented; it becomes preoccupied with identifying the many oddities in the show. Dora and Boots must get past various obstacles (please pronounce this as ob-stacles, it really is a more enjoyable way to say it) to complete the mission during each show. For instance, they must get past a mountain. Dora will say, "Can't go around it!", to which I reply, "WHY NOT??"
Dora sure loves her friend, Boots the Monkey. They hang out all day, sing and tumble down hills, defeat Swiper the Fox, and speak Spanish.
Which for some reason always makes me think, "Dora wants monkey love."
...And To Complete the Triad...
...meet Anna! She is the second of our twin girls. She is very much a hold-me baby. She will be happy as a clam if she is laying down but pick her up for awhile and then try to put her back down; watch out! She loves making eye contact with anyone/everyone and will follow your movement throughout the entire room.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Next Batter...Clara!
Please meet Clara. She is the first of twin girls born September 28, 2009. It is a funny thing having twins; I said I would not compare them but I find it to be unavoidable as they are most often side by side. I affectionately refer to Clara as "Hoss", as she is noticeably bigger than her sister. She has her mom's frown, which she wears much of the time. She also has a smile that can light up the room.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A, B, C...

Bo's language skills have taken a "quantum leap" compared to a few months ago. His most impressive feat thus far, in my opinion, is singing the alphabet. He is able to say all of the letters with ease and sings the song fairly well. With the exception of the L-M-N-O-P section. This comes out all mushed together. He is even able to identify individual letters when they are shown to him. How awesome is that?? Little dude is just over 2 years old and is already getting close to reading.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It...Stop?
Have you heard the news? The frozen tundra of the Arctic is moving in to the Midwest. Eskimos are inquiring into the price of that nice ranch house down the road and polar bears are getting into the garbage cans. We thought racoons were bad! Global warming has been turned upside down!
Yesterday all I heard about was the impending "ALBERTA CLIPPER". I checked Weather.com last night to see anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow predicted through Thursday evening. Yikes! I shoveled the driveway this morning, the sidewalks at work, and hunkered down for the massive snowstorm.
Only...nothing has happened. No wind, no snow, the sun even popped out to say hello.
What a letdown. Are you faring worse than me today??
Yesterday all I heard about was the impending "ALBERTA CLIPPER". I checked Weather.com last night to see anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow predicted through Thursday evening. Yikes! I shoveled the driveway this morning, the sidewalks at work, and hunkered down for the massive snowstorm.
Only...nothing has happened. No wind, no snow, the sun even popped out to say hello.
What a letdown. Are you faring worse than me today??
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Random Quote
"When I was growing up, a house down the street from where we lived exploded. I think they must not have hooked something up right." Katie, nanny.
Ground Rules...
- I get to post whatever I choose - this is not a democracy.
- I reserve the right to be sappy, silly, and sarcastic, often within the same sentence.
- I will NOT take any post responses personally. If you want to read my posts, great. If not, great.
- I won't always use good grammar. Please understand this is most likely intentional.
- Puns RULE.
- Click on my links and I'll click on yours. We'll call it our little version of 'You show me yours, I'll show you mine.'
- I promise to post as many pictures of my kids as possible. They are cute and adorable little heathens.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Good evening, world. My name is Mike. My wife, Jamie, has run her own blog for years. She has spent innumerable hours carefully crafting blog posts, editing pictures, and generally driving herself crazy wracking her brain for new post ideas. She was always after me to start my own blog but I never felt I had anything to say that was important enough to write about.
It's time to find out.
You're in my world, now. Please enjoy the ride and try not to get lost along the way.
It's time to find out.
You're in my world, now. Please enjoy the ride and try not to get lost along the way.
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